5 Key Moments to Deliver the Best Man Speech for Maximum Impact

Discover when the best man speech happens at weddings. Get tips on timing, tradition, and making your speech unforgettable. Read our guide now!

By Juan C Olamendy · Updated:

5 Key Moments to Deliver the Best Man Speech for Maximum Impact

When is the best man speech? Picture this: the wedding reception is in full swing, the guests are buzzing with excitement, and the newlyweds are glowing with joy. Suddenly, the room quiets down, and all eyes turn to the best man. It's his moment to shine, to share hilarious anecdotes, heartfelt memories, and toast to the happy couple. But when exactly should this pivotal speech take place? This question often leaves many scratching their heads, especially those new to wedding traditions.

In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery of the best man speech timing, explore the role and significance of this cherished tradition, and provide you with tips to ensure your speech is a memorable highlight of the evening. By the end, you'll be ready to deliver your speech with confidence and perfect timing. So, let’s dive in and make sure you’re prepared for your big moment!

When is the Best Man Speech?


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The best man speech is one of the most anticipated moments at any wedding. It’s a chance for the best man to share heartfelt stories, crack a few jokes, and toast to the newlyweds. But when exactly is the best man speech supposed to happen? This question often puzzles many, especially those new to wedding traditions.

Importance of the Best Man Speech

Role of the Best Man

The best man holds a special place in the wedding party. He’s not just a close friend or relative of the groom; he’s also a key player in ensuring the wedding day runs smoothly. From organizing the bachelor party to keeping the groom calm, the best man has many responsibilities. One of the most significant tasks is delivering the best man speech.

Significance of the Speech

The best man speech is more than just a formality. It’s a moment to celebrate the groom and his new spouse. It’s a chance to share personal anecdotes, express genuine emotions, and offer well-wishes for the couple’s future. A well-delivered speech can leave a lasting impression on everyone present.

When Does the Best Man Give His Speech?

Traditional Timing

The Traditional Wedding Speech Order

Traditionally, the best man speech follows a specific order. The father of the bride usually kicks off the speeches, followed by the groom. The best man then takes the stage, often followed by the maid of honor. This sequence ensures a smooth flow and keeps the audience engaged.

Who Speaks First at Weddings?

In most weddings, the father of the bride speaks first. He welcomes the guests, shares a few words about his daughter, and offers his blessings to the couple. Next, the groom expresses his gratitude and love. The best man then delivers his speech, adding humor and heartfelt moments to the mix.

Alternative Timings

Are Wedding Speeches Before or After the Meal?

While traditional weddings often have speeches after the meal, some couples prefer to have them before. This approach can help calm nerves and ensure everyone is attentive. It also allows guests to enjoy their meal without interruptions. Ultimately, the timing depends on the couple’s preference and the flow of the event.

Does Best Man Give Speech at Rehearsal Dinner?

In some cases, the best man might give a speech at the rehearsal dinner. This setting is more intimate and allows for a relaxed atmosphere. However, the main speech is usually reserved for the wedding reception. The rehearsal dinner speech can be a shorter, more casual version.

Best Moments for Wedding Speeches

Schedule Speeches First Thing

One effective strategy is to schedule speeches early in the reception. This approach ensures that everyone is attentive and the speakers are less nervous. It also sets a positive tone for the rest of the evening.

Give Speeches Once Entrées Are Served

Another popular timing is to give speeches once the entrées are served. This allows guests to settle in and enjoy their meal while listening to the speeches. It also provides a natural break in the dining experience.

Kick Off Dancing With Toasts

Some couples prefer to kick off the dancing with toasts. This approach creates a seamless transition from the formalities to the celebration. It also ensures that everyone is in high spirits as they hit the dance floor.

Utilize Cocktail Hour

Utilizing the cocktail hour for speeches can be a great idea. It’s a relaxed time when guests are mingling and enjoying drinks. This setting can make the speeches feel more informal and engaging.

How to Write a Great Best Man Speech

Best Man Speech Template


A well-structured speech is crucial for keeping the audience engaged. Start with a strong opening, followed by the main content, and end with a memorable toast. This structure ensures a smooth flow and keeps the audience interested.

Opening Lines

The opening lines set the tone for the entire speech. You can start with a joke, a quote, or a heartfelt statement. The key is to grab the audience’s attention right from the start.

The Toast

The toast is the grand finale of your speech. It’s a moment to raise your glass and offer your best wishes to the couple. Make it heartfelt and sincere, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.

Best Man Speech Writing and Delivery Tips

Nail the Opening

The opening of your speech is crucial. It sets the tone and grabs the audience’s attention. Consider starting with a funny anecdote or a heartfelt statement about the groom.

Focus on the Newlyweds

While it’s tempting to share stories about the groom, remember to focus on the newlyweds. Talk about their relationship, how they complement each other, and your hopes for their future.

Share Your Feelings

Don’t be afraid to get emotional. Sharing your genuine feelings can make your speech more impactful. Express your happiness for the couple and your gratitude for being part of their special day.

Consider Your Audience

Keep your audience in mind while writing your speech. Avoid inside jokes that only a few people will understand. Instead, share stories and sentiments that everyone can appreciate.

Best Man Speech Openers

Introduce Yourself With a Twist

Introduce yourself in a unique way. Instead of a simple “Hi, I’m John,” try something more engaging. For example, “Hi, I’m John, and I’ve had the pleasure of knowing the groom since we were kids.”

Crack a Joke, Even a Corny One

A well-placed joke can lighten the mood and grab the audience’s attention. Even a corny joke can work if delivered with confidence. Just make sure it’s appropriate and in good taste.

Tell a Story of How You Met

Sharing a story of how you met the groom can be a great opener. It provides context and sets the stage for the rest of your speech. Make it personal and relatable.

What to Include in Your Best Man Speech

Talk About Being the Best Man

Share what it means to you to be the best man. Talk about the responsibilities and the honor of standing by the groom’s side. This adds a personal touch to your speech.

How You Know the Groom

Explain how you know the groom and your relationship with him. Share a few anecdotes that highlight your bond. This helps the audience understand your connection.

The Impact the Bride Has Had on the Groom

Talk about the positive impact the bride has had on the groom. Share how she has brought out the best in him and how they complement each other. This shows your support for their relationship.

What to Avoid in a Best Man Speech

Don't Rely Solely on Humor

While humor is important, don’t rely solely on it. Balance your speech with heartfelt moments and genuine sentiments. This makes your speech more well-rounded and impactful.

Keep Things Positive

Avoid negative or embarrassing stories. Keep your speech positive and uplifting. Focus on celebrating the couple and their love.

Don't Upstage the Newlyweds

Remember, the spotlight should be on the newlyweds. Don’t try to steal the show with over-the-top antics or long-winded stories. Keep your speech concise and focused on the couple.

Tips for Delivering the Best Man Speech


Get a Second Opinion

Before the big day, get a second opinion on your speech. Ask a trusted friend or family member to listen and provide feedback. This can help you refine your speech and boost your confidence.

Rehearse Multiple Times

Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure you’re comfortable with the content and delivery. This will help you feel more confident on the big day.

On the Day


On the day of the wedding, take a moment to relax before your speech. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you’ve prepared well. Staying calm will help you deliver your speech more effectively.

Limit Your Drinks

While it’s tempting to have a few drinks to calm your nerves, limit your alcohol intake before your speech. You want to be clear-headed and articulate. Save the celebratory drinks for after your speech.

Mind Your Body Language

Your body language can impact how your speech is received. Stand tall, make eye contact, and use natural gestures. This will help you appear confident and engaging.

Handling Challenges


Using props can add a fun element to your speech. However, use them sparingly and ensure they’re relevant to your content. Props should enhance your speech, not distract from it.


Incorporating quotes can add depth to your speech. Choose quotes that are meaningful and relevant to the couple. This can add a touch of elegance and thoughtfulness to your speech.


If you encounter hecklers, stay calm and composed. Acknowledge them with a smile and continue with your speech. Don’t let them derail your focus.

Length of the Speech

Your Best Man Wedding Speech Shouldn’t Be Too Long

While it’s important to cover all your points, don’t let your speech drag on. Aim for a speech that’s around 5-7 minutes long. This keeps the audience engaged without losing their attention.

But, It Shouldn’t Be Too Short, Either

On the flip side, don’t make your speech too short. You want to share meaningful stories and sentiments. A speech that’s too brief can feel rushed and incomplete.

What’s the Right Length for Your Best Man Wedding Speech?

The ideal length for a best man speech is around 5-7 minutes. This allows you to cover all your points without losing the audience’s attention. Practice your speech to ensure it fits within this timeframe.

FAQs about the Best Man Speech

When should the best man give his speech?

The best man typically gives his speech after the groom and before the maid of honor. This usually happens after the meal, but some couples prefer to have speeches before the meal or during the cocktail hour.

What is the order of speeches at a wedding?

The traditional order of speeches is: father of the bride, groom, best man, and then the maid of honor. However, this order can vary depending on the couple’s preferences and the flow of the event.

Are speeches before or after dinner?

Speeches are traditionally given after dinner. However, some couples prefer to have them before the meal to ensure everyone is attentive and the speakers are less nervous.

Does best man give speech at rehearsal dinner?

The best man might give a speech at the rehearsal dinner, but it’s usually shorter and more casual. The main speech is typically reserved for the wedding reception.

How long should a speech be for a best man?

The ideal length for a best man speech is around 5-7 minutes. This allows you to share meaningful stories and sentiments without losing the audience’s attention.


When is the best man speech? Typically, the best man speech takes place during the wedding reception, often after the meal and before the dancing begins. This timing allows guests to be relaxed and attentive, creating the perfect atmosphere for heartfelt stories and light-hearted jokes. Key takeaways include the importance of the best man’s role in the wedding and the significance of his speech in celebrating the newlyweds. Remember, the best man speech is not just a tradition but a cherished moment that adds to the joy and memories of the wedding day.

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