10 Funniest Best Man Speeches That Will Leave Guests in Stitches

Discover the funniest best man speeches that will have everyone in stitches! Get tips and examples to make your speech unforgettable. Read now!

By Juan C Olamendy · Updated:

10 Funniest Best Man Speeches That Will Leave Guests in Stitches

Have you ever wondered what makes a wedding truly unforgettable? Spoiler alert: it's often the funniest best man speeches that steal the show! Picture this: the room is filled with elegantly dressed guests, the air is thick with anticipation, and then the best man steps up to the mic. What follows is a rollercoaster of laughter, heartfelt moments, and maybe even a few happy tears.

Why are we diving into this topic? Because nailing that perfect blend of humor and sentiment can be a daunting task. But fear not! By the end of this article, you'll discover the secrets to crafting a speech that not only celebrates the groom but also leaves the audience in stitches. Ready to become the best man everyone talks about for years to come? Let's get started!

Funniest Best Man Speeches


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When it comes to weddings, the best man speech is one of the most anticipated moments of the evening. It's a chance to celebrate the groom, entertain the guests, and leave a lasting impression. But let's be honest, the funniest best man speeches are the ones that everyone remembers. They bring the house down with laughter and set the tone for a joyous celebration.

Why a Funny Best Man Speech is Important

Setting the Tone for the Wedding

A funny best man speech can set the perfect tone for the wedding. It breaks the ice and gets everyone in a good mood. Imagine the guests, all dressed up and maybe a bit nervous, waiting for the festivities to begin. A hilarious best man speech can make everyone feel relaxed and ready to have a great time.

Making the Audience Laugh

Laughter is a universal language. When you make the audience laugh, you create a connection. People will remember the wedding not just for the beautiful ceremony but for the fun they had. A comedic best man speech can turn a good wedding into a great one. Plus, it's a fantastic way to show your love and appreciation for the groom and the bride.

How to Write a Great Best Man Speech

Writing the funniest best man speech might seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can craft a memorable and hilarious speech.

Opening Lines

Best Man Speech Opening Jokes

The opening lines are crucial. You want to grab the audience's attention right away. Start with a joke or a funny anecdote. For example, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you could all please raise your glasses... and lower your expectations, because here comes my speech!"

Engaging the Audience from the Start

Engage the audience from the start by making eye contact and smiling. A confident start will set the tone for the rest of your speech. You can also ask a rhetorical question or make a light-hearted comment about the wedding.


Talk about Being the Best Man

Begin by talking about what an honor it is to be the best man. Share a funny story about how you found out you were chosen. Maybe the groom called you at 3 AM, or perhaps you were the last resort.

How You Know the Groom

Next, talk about how you know the groom. Share some funny and heartwarming stories from your friendship. This is a great time to include some Best Man Speech Tips.

Stories: Triumphs and Disasters

Share stories that highlight the groom's character. Talk about his triumphs and disasters. Maybe he once tried to impress a girl by cooking dinner and ended up setting the kitchen on fire.

The Impact the Bride Has Had on the Groom

Talk about the positive impact the bride has had on the groom. Share a funny story about how she has changed him for the better. For example, "Before he met her, he thought 'cleaning' was a type of exercise."

The Toast

Crafting the Perfect Toast

The toast is the climax of your speech. Craft a heartfelt and funny toast that celebrates the couple. For example, "Here's to love, laughter, and a happily ever after. And to the groom, who finally found someone who can put up with him!"

Closing Lines

End with a strong closing line. You can use a quote or a funny remark. For example, "May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever."

Other Things to Consider


Consider using props to add humor to your speech. For example, you could bring out a giant checklist of the groom's qualities or a funny photo.


Incorporate quotes to add depth and humor. For example, "As Oscar Wilde said, 'Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.'"

Handling Hecklers

Be prepared to handle hecklers. If someone interrupts, respond with a quick-witted remark. For example, "I see my fan club has arrived."

Jokes: What Shouldn't the Best Man Joke About?

Avoid jokes that are offensive or inappropriate. Steer clear of sensitive topics like ex-girlfriends, finances, or anything that could embarrass the bride or groom.

Best Man Speech Jokes

Jokes About The Newlyweds

Jokes about the newlyweds can be a hit if done right. For example, "They say marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade."

Self-Deprecating Best Man Jokes

Self-deprecating jokes can make you more relatable. For example, "When [the groom] asked me to be his best man, I was honored. Then I realized it was because he needed someone to make him look good by comparison."

Jokes to End the Best Man's Speech

End your speech with a funny joke. For example, "They say a good speech should be like a mini-skirt: long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting."

An Example of What Not to Do

Avoid jokes that could offend or embarrass. For example, don't say, "I remember when [the groom] was dating his ex. Oh wait, she's here tonight!"

Delivering the Speech

Tips for Public Speaking

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but with some tips, you can nail it. Practice your speech multiple times. Make eye contact with the audience. Speak slowly and clearly.

Managing Nerves

It's natural to feel nervous. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that everyone is rooting for you. Visualize yourself delivering the speech successfully.

Timing and Length

Keep your speech between 5 to 7 minutes. Use a Speech Length Calculator to ensure you're on track.

Special Considerations

Best Man for Brother

Being the best man for your brother is a special honor. Share personal stories that highlight your bond. For more tips, check out Best Man for Brother.

Joint Best Man

If you're sharing the role with another best man, coordinate your speeches. Decide who will cover which topics and practice together.

Former Girlfriends

Avoid mentioning former girlfriends. It's a sensitive topic that could make the bride and groom uncomfortable.

Inspirational Wedding Speech Quotes

Famous Quotes to Use

Incorporate famous quotes to add depth to your speech. For example, "As Mark Twain said, 'To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.'"

Personalizing Quotes

Personalize quotes to make them more meaningful. For example, "As my grandmother always said, 'A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.'"

FAQs on Funniest Best Man Speeches

What Shouldn't the Best Man Joke About?

Avoid jokes about ex-girlfriends, finances, or anything that could embarrass the bride or groom. Stick to light-hearted and positive humor.

How Long Should a Best Man Speech Be?

A best man speech should be between 5 to 7 minutes long. This is enough time to be funny and heartfelt without losing the audience's attention.

What Are Some Good Opening Lines for a Best Man Speech?

Good opening lines include jokes or funny anecdotes. For example, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you could all please raise your glasses... and lower your expectations, because here comes my speech!"

How Can I Make My Best Man Speech Funny?

Incorporate jokes, funny stories, and self-deprecating humor. Practice your delivery to ensure your timing is spot-on.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Best Man Speech?

Avoid offensive jokes, going off-script, and speaking for too long. Practice your speech to avoid stumbling over your words.


The funniest best man speeches are the ones that leave a lasting impression and bring joy to the celebration. They set the perfect tone for the wedding, breaking the ice and making everyone feel at ease. A well-crafted humorous speech not only entertains but also celebrates the groom in a memorable way. Remember, laughter is a universal language that can unite everyone in the room.

In conclusion, aiming for a funny best man speech can make the event unforgettable. It’s about striking the right balance between humor and heartfelt moments. So, take the time to prepare, know your audience, and most importantly, have fun with it. After all, the funniest best man speeches are the ones that come from the heart and bring genuine laughter to the celebration.

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